Episode 2: English Breakfast and Tomatoes
Kola Adesanya Kola Adesanya

Episode 2: English Breakfast and Tomatoes

In this episode, we journey through a heartwarming early memory with English breakfast tea, exploring how a simple cup can carry profound meaning and nostalgia. Then, we switch gears to the garden, where I share the ups and downs of growing different varieties of tomatoes in my backyard.

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Ep3: Green Tea and Herbs
Kola Adesanya Kola Adesanya

Ep3: Green Tea and Herbs

Join me as I recount my first memory with green tea, a moment intertwined with the start of my fitness journey with a company called Shredder Gang.

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Welcome to TWDMM!!!
Kola Adesanya Kola Adesanya

Welcome to TWDMM!!!

Welcome, and thank you so much for stopping by! I’m Dr. Mrs. Mom, and this space—Tea with Dr. Mrs. Mom (TWDMM)—was created to build a thriving communiTEA for women of all ages who aspire to live wholesome, authentic lives.

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