Episode 20: Can You Pay My Bills?
Cue music….can you pay my bills, can you pay my telephone bills? Do you pay my automo’ bills? If you haven’t been able to guess what today’s topic is about, let us help you decode. On this episode we’re talking about MONEY and more specifically money within relationships. Take a deep breath in and then out! We know this one can take the wind out of most people, but we have to talk about it.
Episode 18: Sacrifice For Love
Sounds like a Nollywood movie, but honestly communiTEA you know we had to go there. In the spirit of Easter and the sacrifice God made for us, we decided to talk about the sacrifices that we’ve made in our relationship. We joke and laugh about them now, but in the moment addressing these sacrifices were an arduous task.
Episode 16: Talk When The Shoe Pinches
Hello communiTEA!!!! We’re in a new month and we wanted to start off with an interesting topic. We’re pretty certain that everyone has had to deal with having difficult conversations with friends, family even coworkers. Let’s agree it’s not fun!!!! However, it has to be done. So, how do you navigate these conversations?
Episode 15: What I Learned About Myself
Hey hey communiTEA!!!! This episode is essentially self awareness central. We decided to sit back and reminisce on the the things we discovered about ourselves when we started dating. Some were good, some were bad, but generally it’s our honesty for us. Do you ever sit back to evaluate yourself, your actions and behaviors especially within relationships, friendships and even family?
Episode 8: I Want It That Way
Any Backstreet Boys fan out here? We know you thought of it too. In continuation from the previous episode, we’re talking love languages especially as the season of love is in full swing. How does knowing and understanding love languages help with mastering effective communication you might ask. Well, you’ve got to listen to the episode to find out.We list out the love languages as highlighted by Gary Chapman: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Quality time, Physical Touch and Gift Giving! It’s been said that your current love language is based on how your parents showed you love. Does this apply to you because it certainly applies to us?
Episode 6: I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T
Did you cue the same song when you read the title?
This episode is for the fellas who may or may not know what all comes with seeking out an independent woman. It’s also for the ladies who have been referred to as “intimidating” or independent. To be clear, we don’t speak for everyone, we’re only sharing what we’ve experienced.